Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I apply to become a provider in the Agero network?
Click here for an application to join the Agero Service Provider network.
How do I create an AgeroSupport.com account?
You must be a member of the Agero Service Provider network. Once your profile has been established in our system, you may create an Agero Service Provider ID electronically by clicking here.
Who is the Owner User?
There can only be one Owner User for each Service Provider account. This User role has maximum access to all functionality including Profile and Performance data. The Owner User can add, modify, and delete Users
How do I create the Owner Login?
The Owner User login is created during the New Account setup process.
• You must first click on the 'New User? Click Here' link located next to the Log In fields.
• You will need to enter the Service Provider ID provided to you by an Agero Network associate as well as your Tax ID number.
• Click on the Submit button to proceed.
• Create a User ID between 7 and 24 characters.
• Each user name must be unique not only for your company, but also among all AgeroSupport.com users. The system will inform you if the name already exists.
• Create a Password (must be at least 6 digits).
• Re-enter the Password. (This is a way to make sure the proper password was typed in the first password field).
• Enter your email address. This email address should ideally be different from others used in your company. We will use this email address to send critical site update and corporate information.
• Re-enter your email address.
• Select a Security Question from the drop-down box and fill in a recognizable answer. If you forget your password at any time, you will be required to answer your security question in order to reset your password.
• Click the Submit button to proceed.
• You will see a confirmation page when your new Owner User profile has been successfully created.
• Click the Continue button. You will be automatically logged into AgeroSupport.com.
How do you use my User information?
• User ID: Your User ID distinguishes you from all other Users and is used to identify you and your access privileges.
• Password: Your password ensures that only you will be able to login with your User ID.
• Email Address: We will use your email address to prompt you to reset your Password in the event that you forget it. We will also communicate important updates and site information to you.
• Security Question & Security Answer: We will use your Security Question & Security Answer to confirm your identity in the event that you forget your User ID or password.
What do I do if I forget my User ID or Password?
If you have forgotten your password, you may access your account by clicking here. You must provide your AgeroSupport.com User ID; the system will create a new password for you and will email it to the email address on file for the account. You will receive an email from the system with the new password.

If you do not recall your AgeroSupport.com User ID, or if the email on file is invalid, you may contact the Service Provider Support Team at 1-800-541-2262. Option 2 or spst@agero.com. You can also submit your billing inquiries 24/7 online at AgeroTicket.com

What does "Remember me next time" mean on the login page?
If you click this checkbox when you log in, the system will remember your password and will automatically fill it in the Password field the next time you login using the same computer. The "remember me next time" functionality applies only to this computer. If you are using a public computer, or a private computer that is not secured (e.g. a computer used by several workers in the office), we recommend that you uncheck this checkbox. If you delete the cookies on your computer, you will need to enter your password again to access the site. You can also save the site to your browser's "Favorite" folder after you have logged in. If you close the AgeroSupport.com website without clicking on the Log Out link and you access the site from the same computer using the favorites link, you will not need to enter your User ID and Password.
What is the security and privacy policy on AgeroSupport.com?
AgeroSupport.com employs industry-standard technology to protect your privacy when using this web site. AgeroSupport.com transactions, such as user login, account registration, and invoice processing, are all conducted using secure socket layer (SSL) encryption.
How can I create an email account?
You must have an email account to use AgeroSupport.com. Most internet service providers (ISP's) will provide you with one or more email addresses when you register to use their service. If you do not have such an email account, there are several widely used, high quality providers of free email services. The most prominent free services include Google's Gmail, Yahoo's Yahoo! mail, and Microsoft's Hotmail.
When I click the link in my new account invitation email, nothing happens
Most email providers will recognize a world wide web hyperlink in your email and allow you to access that link by clicking on it, but some may not. You may need to copy and paste the link into a web browser. To do so, you must hold down your left mouse button and drag the mouse until the entire link is highlighted on the screen. Be sure to select the whole thing; some odd characters will be appended to the end of the hyperlink, and you must select it all if you want AgeroSupport.com to recognize you. When you have selected the entire link, click the right mouse button and select "copy" from the menu; open a web browser, place the cursor in the "Address" bar of the browser, click the right mouse button, and select "Paste" from the menu. This should paste the link in your email into the address bar of your browser. Your browser will have a button that reads "Go" (or something similar) to go to the link in the address bar; click that link. This should take you to AgeroSupport.com, whereupon you can complete the invitation process and activate your AgeroSupport.com account.
I signed up for a new AgeroSupport.com account, but did not receive a confirmation email
Normally, you should receive an email within a few short minutes, but from time to time it may take longer. If you do not receive the email within a couple of hours, double check with your email provider to make certain that they are not having issues. You may contact the Service Provider Support team at 1-800-541-2262 Option 2 or spst@agero.com. You can also submit your billing inquiries 24/7 online at AgeroTicket.com
I received the message "An Owner account already exists for this Agero Service Provider ID" when I attempted to create an account
This means there is already an existing AgeroSupport.com master/owner account in our system that is associated with your Agero Service Provider ID. If there is already an owner account established for your business, this account holder can create additional logins for the AgeroSupport.com system. You may contact the Service Provider Support team at 1-800-541-2262 Option 2 or spst@agero.com. You can also submit your billing inquiries 24/7 online at AgeroTicket.com.
What type of browser should I use? How can I update my browser?
AgeroSupport.com works best with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or later. Some functionality may not work properly with other browsers such as Firefox or Safari. If you have an older version of Internet Explorer (5.5 or earlier), you might also have problems. You can download Internet Explorer from Microsoft's web site.
What are cookies, and how are they used on this site?
Cookies are messages that web servers pass to your web browser when you visit Internet sites. Your browser stores each message in a small text-based file. When you request another page from the server, your browser sends the cookie back to the server. Accepting a cookie does not give a server access to your computer or any of your personal information. Cookies cannot be used to install viruses or spyware on your computer.

AgeroSupport.com will store simple, basic information in cookies for the purposes of remembering who you are and enhancing your browsing experience. AgeroSupport.com does not have access to cookies written by other web sites, and other web sites will not be able to read AgeroSupport.com cookies. AgeroSupport.com does not store private or secure information in cookies. You must enable cookies in order for AgeroSupport.com to work properly. If you do not wish to enable cookies globally, for all web sites, most browsers will allow you to establish certain web sites as "trusted", enabling you to allow cookies and other features for those sites but not others. Check below for instructions on how to configure your browser to support AgeroSupport.com .

Will pop-up blockers adversely impact my experience on the site?
You do not need to disable popup blockers to use AgeroSupport.com. However, you may notice some odd behavior if you do not do so. If you experience problems using AgeroSupport.com, it is recommended that you disable popups for the site. (Check below for instructions on how to configure your browser to support AgeroSupport.com.)
How do I configure my browser to support AgeroSupport.com?
AgeroSupport.com is optimized for Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 6.0 or later. Certain features of the site may not work properly on other web browsers. In order to use AgeroSupport.com, you must enable cookies and javascript. Your experience may also be hampered if you restrict popups. Instructions for the proper configuration of Microsoft Internet Explorer are provided below. If you are not comfortable with computers, you may wish to consult your hardware vendor or technical support provider to change these settings.

1) Enabling cookies, JavaScript, and other settings in Internet Explorer:
  • Select "Tools" from the main menu
  • Select "Internet options" from the Tools menu
  • Select the "Security" tab
  • Select the desired content zone (likely "Internet" or "Trusted Sites") and click the "Custom Level Button"
  • Check off the following items:
  • Enable (check off) File Download
  • Enable (check off) Active Scripting
  • Select the "Privacy" tab
  • Select the zone used for browsing (most likely Medium)
  • Click the Advanced button
  • Make sure that "First Party Cookies" are set to "Accept"
  • Go back to the "Privacy" tab, click the "Settings" button in the Popup blocker section
  • Add "AgeroSupport.com" as an exception to popup blocker rules
If you do not wish to globally set all security settings as recommended above, you can add AgeroSupport.com as a "trusted site." The trusted sites feature of Internet Explorer allows you to designate certain web sites to receive fewer restrictions during your browsing experience. Other browsers provide similar features; Firefox, for example, allows you to establish "exceptions" to a wide variety of security features and other restrictions. Follow the instructions below to establish AgeroSupport.com as a trusted site in Internet Explorer:
2) Setting a trusted site in Internet Explorer:
  • Select "Tools" from the main menu
  • Select "Internet options" from the Tools menu
  • Select the "Security" tab
  • Click the Trusted Sites icon (probably a green checkmark)
  • Click the "Sites" button
  • Type "https://www.AgeroSupport.com" in the text box, click "Add"
Note that the exact settings may differ if you have an older or newer version of Internet Explorer. Also, if you are using third party popup blocker software, or other security software, you may need to make further configuration changes to that software for AgeroSupport.com.
What are the recommended system settings for AgeroSupport.com?
In order to use all AgeroSupport.com functionality, you need to use a Windows PC and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Some functionality may not work properly with a Macintosh computer or other web browsers such as Firefox or Safari. A high-speed internet connection is recommended. Check above for instructions on how to configure your browser to support AgeroSupport.com.
I just replaced my computer system, and the site no longer works properly. What happened?
A number of factors may have changed to impact your browsing experience. AgeroSupport.com works best with Windows PC's and Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you switched to a new Internet service provider (ISP), or installed a wireless network, you may have issues if you are losing your internet connection. By default, your new system may have elevated security settings that block cookies or other content. (Check above for instructions on how to configure your browser to support AgeroSupport.com.) If you continue to have problems, it is recommended that you consult the service provider who installed your new system to fix the problem.
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